воскресенье, 17 октября 2010 г.

The Bottom Line

I have heard to an audio record «The Bottom Line» http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/p00b5qk3/The_Bottom_Line_12_10_2010/ I needed to hear it twice to understand its maintenance completely. At first it was rather difficult for me because of fluent English of the speakers and some new words but during the second listening I have understood everything. The duration of this audio record is 26 minutes, and I have heard only the half.  
This audio record is a Business conversation program about power of positive thinking today. Evan Davis is a leader of the program meets three guests from the worlds of advertising, branding and lifestyle management and they discuss viral videos, social networking and some of the other methods companies now employ to reach out to their customers; they navigate some of the new media routes into a consumer’s consciousness. They also discuss whether it’s better to be optimistic in business, or realistic.
Evan is joined in the studio by Alex Cheatle, chief executive of the lifestyle management company Ten Group; Jasmine Montgomery, co-founder of branding consultancy Seven Brands; Robin Wight, president of communications group Engine.
Alex Cheatle said that his company organizes different great holidays in restaurants, clubs and wherever wants the client. Also he said that they can organize a meeting with celebrities like Lady Gaga. They have a very profitable business and they make many money. Jasmine Montgomery said that her company deals emerging marketing. They have clients in Brazil, Russia, India and China. Also they make business in Kuwait, Bahrain, Indonesia, Sudan, Iraq and etc. Jasmine said that the most interesting course in her job is airlines. Robin Wight said that they not a holding company, they a groping company. This company has a success because they are working together and help each other.
As for me I think that it’s better to be optimistic in business today. The person always should trust in the best, only then he will become successful. However he always should estimate his possibilities really as above a head you will not jump …