четверг, 30 сентября 2010 г.

The Mysteries of the Brain

I have heard to an audio record of "The Mysteries of the Brain ». I needed to hear it twice to understand its maintenance completely. At first it was rather difficult for me because of fluent English of the speakers and some new words but during the second listening I have understood everything. The duration of this audio record is 25 minutes, and I have heard only the half.  There were no technical problems with the listening. A quality of the audio record is very good. 
This audio record is a dialogue between the professor and the reporter. In this record the following questions are considered: what is the information? How we receive the information from the world around us? etc. So, according to the professor Barry Smith, the person cannot estimate at once is the certain thing is pleasant or unpleasant for him. To understand that firstly he should smell it, taste it as in a case with the coffee and only after that to make a decision. Everything that person tests is transferred in his brain, another words the information arrives in a brain. Thus, the information is a smell, touching, feelings etc. For example a child after a birth cannot speak, but he communicates with the world surrounding him by means of feelings. Also in the given audio record scientists speak about the influence on the brain of listening unusual sounds (for example a noise of the sea, singing of birds and at a sound of poured wine) in eating time.
The given audio record has seemed to me enough interesting and informative. Actually people very seldom thinks about such obvious things as communications but a huge attention of scientists is paid to this question.